We know that
smoking is dangerious for our health. All of diseases and physical impairments kinds
can emerge because the habit of smoked cigarettes. However, cigaretes was
affect into the condition of man pshycological, especially adolescent.
The research that be
done by Institute for School and Economic Research in Essex University reported
that adolescent who have hobby smoking will feel unhappy and five times easily
fall in bad attitude.
In the research, at
least 5,000 people respondents 10-15 years old were asked in any kinds that
related with their daily life. The data shown, adolescent who have a bad daily
life such as smoking or drink the alcohol get 4-5 more less than adolescent who
have a good daily life. Smoking is the thing that make people are unhappy, that
is 5 more less.

This reasearch is also
explain the the daily of adolescent that easily in changing their health become
unhealth on 13-15 years old. At this age, to consume the vegetables and fruits,
and also do the exercise are decrease about 11%, but consume the cigaretes and
alcohol are increase from 8% till 41%.
Dr. Cara Brooker who
lead the research said, this trend was observed consistently even shen adjusted
with another factors like social economic status and the education level of
their parents. It means that this result is believed can represent of
adolescent population in generaly.
Booker also said that
children and adolescent can change their attitude into negative attitude to
solve their problem. The adolescent firtly may be do smoking and drink alcohol when
they try to adapt themselves with specific groups, that is inclined unhappy,
and then they found themselve are not happy. Some adolescents have cigaretes
because they want to be adult, but then they found their life associate with
bad people that felt unhappy, then they are become less of happy.
“The message for this
is adolescents must have a good daily life. Following the behavior of adult
that unhappiness is not help you as an adult”, said Dr. Booker.
taken from: Ar-risalah magazine in 130 edition.
has been thanslated in English.
taken from: Ar-risalah magazine in 130 edition.
has been thanslated in English.
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