
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012



Created By:

Misyanti                     (0901050046)

The english department
teacher training and education  faculty
muhammadiyah university of purwokerto


A.    Introduction
Cooporative Learning (CL) is more than having students work in groups: it is a fundamnetal shift from teacher as information provider and sole source of truth, to teacher as facilitator . It involves the use of tasks whose completion requires the combined efforts and skills of the individual group members. Group Investigation (GI) is one form of CL, and the focus of this paper. The following sections consider the technique in general, origins of the model, key decisions teachers must make, effects on learners, and implementation concerns and gas in the research base.
B.     Definition
In GI, students form interest groups within which to plan and implement an investigation, and synthesize the findings into a group presentation for the class. The teacher’s general role is to make the students aware of resources that may be helpful while carrying out the investigation. GI includes four important components (“the four I’s”): investigation, interaction, interpretation, and instrinsic motivation. Investigation refers to the fact that groups focus on the process of inquiring about a chosen topic. Interaction is a hallmark of all cooperative learning methods, required for students to explore ideas and help one another learn. Interpretation occurs when the group synthesizes and elaborates on the findings of each member in order to enhance understanding and clarity of ideas. Finally, instrinsic motivation is kindled in students by granting them autonomy in the investigative process.
Implementation of GI proceeds in six step. First, the teacher presents a multi-faceted problem to the class, and students choose an interest group. The problem posed here is articularly important, as a variety of reactions from students is necessary for appropriate group informatin. Teachers should avoid giving their own ideas or rejecting ideas from students. Second, groups plan their investigation – the procedures, tasks and goals consistent with the with the chosen subtopic. Third, groups carry out the investigation as planned in the above step. The teacher’s role at this step is to follow the investigative process, offering help when required: suggesting resources, ensuring a variety of skills is being used, etc. Fourth, groups plan their presentation. They evaluate what they have learned, and synthesize it into a form that can be understood by the class. Fifth, groups conduct the presentation. Finally, the teacher and students evaluate the investigation and resulting presentations. Throughout the process, group representatives often make reports to the class, helping group members appreciate that they are part of a larger social unit.
As is generally found with CL techniques, research consistently finds higher levels of achievement from GI activities as compared with whole-class instrution, paarticularly on matters of higher-level cognition. It has also been found that GI improves positive inter-ethnic relations and enhances intrinsic motivation. Compared to other CL methods, GI has strong roots in giving students control over their learning.
C.    The Important Things in Group Investigatin (GI)
The important things in doing the Group Investigation methods are:
1.      Requires ability groups.
In doing each task, each group member should have the opportunity to contribute. Intheinvestigation, students can seek information from a variety of information from within and outside the classroom. Then the students gather the informationprovided from eachmember to work on a worksheet.
2.      Cooperative Plan.
Students are together investigating their problems, which sources they need, who is doing what, and how they will present their projects in class.
3.      Role of Teachers
Teachers provide resource and facilitator. Teachers rotate among groups of studentsorganize the work and attention to help students organize their work and help if the students have difficulty in group interaction.
D.    The Advantages and the Disadvatages
1.      The advantages of Group Investigation (GI) are:
a.       With cooperative learning models, Group Ivestigation (GI) has a positive impact in improving the students achievement;
b.      Application of a model of cooperative learning methods, Group Investigation has a positive effect which can increase the students’ motivation;
c.       Learning that performed makes the atmosphere of mutual cooperation and interaction among students in the group regardless of their background;
d.      Group Iinvestigation learning model to train the students to have a good ability to communicate and express their opinions; and
e.       Motivate and encourage the students to be active in the learning process strats from the final stage of learning.

2.      The disadvantages of Group Investigatin (GI) are:
a.       Group Investigation model is a model of learning that complex and difficult to implement in a cooperative learning; and
b.      Using the Group Investigation also takes a long time.
E.     The Method Steps of Group Investigation
Application of the method steps Group Investigation, (Kiranawati 2007), can be expressed as follows:
1.      Selection of Topics
The students choose a variety of subtopics within an area of common problems that are usually described by the teacher first. The students the organized into groups that are oriented to the task (task-oriented groups) consisting of 2 to 6 people. Composition of heterogeneous groups in both genders, ethnicity and academic ability.
2.      Cooperative Plan
Students adn teachers plan a variety of specific learning procedures, tasks and common objectives that are consistent with a variety of topics and subtopics that have been selected from the firs step above (1).
3.      Implemetation
The students carry out a plan that was formulated in second step (2). The learning process should involve a variety of activities and a wide variety of skills and encourage students to use a variety of sources that are both inside and outside of school. Teachers continuously follow the progress of each group and provide assistance if needed.
4.      Analysis and Synthesis
The students analyze and shithesize information obtained in third step (3) and plan to be summarized in an interesting presentation to the class.
5.      Presentation of the Final Result
All the group presents an interesting presentation of various topics that have been studied for all students in each class involved and achieve a broad perspective on the topic. Group presentations coordinated by the teacher.
6.      Evaluation
Teacher and students to evaluate the contribution of each group to work as a whole class. Evaluation may include each student individually or in groups, or both.

Group Investigation (GI) is one form of CL, and the focus of this paper.GI includes four important components (“the four I’s”): investigation, interaction, interpretation, and instrinsic motivation. The important things in doing the Group Investigation methods are:
1.      Requires ability groups.
2.      Cooperative Plan.
3.      Role of Teachers
Application of the method steps Group Investigation, (Kiranawati 2007), can be expressed as follows:
1.      Selection of Topics;
2.      Cooperative Plan;
3.      Implemetation;
4.      Analysis and Synthesis;
5.      Presentation of the Final Result; and
6.      Evaluation.
In short, Group Ivestigation (GI) is Investigation refers to the fact that groups focus on the process of inquiring about a chosen topic.


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