
Minggu, 22 April 2012


Demo? demo is a way of expression and appreciation, and appreciation of this opinion usually done by students. Why are student? I've learned a bit about my Civic Education, although the value is less satisfactory, but on the course mentions that the student has an important role in agreeing or disagreeing the government's decision.

More recently, the government plans to raise fuel prices with a variety of reasons such as                                                                              saving the state, the welfare of the people, paved the traffic, and so forth. If fuel prices increased, I can predict that they will perform a demonstration of more brutal even than last month's demo workers who make the current total traffic jam.

Nahhh,, why the demo was not important?

The first reason is a waste of time. Why? As we know, the demo always spend our precious time. Those protesters should stand up and shout with the aim of the government want to hear their appreciation. But I think, than to do a demo that just waste our time, it's better to find a useful activity. For the unemployed may be able to find a job that would assist them in fulfilling their lives. Or for students, would not it be better for them to learn rather than having to do a demo?

We believe the protesters would be paid. Why can I say this? The answer is that I once read an article that is accurate, and it makes me laugh, really very funny, in the article mentioned pedicab drivers protesting rising fuel approved by the committee the reason because there is a rewarder of 100.000 rupiahs for every demonstrators who support the increase in fuel prices, is not this is ridiculous! What's more, that makes me feel weird is that students have more education than other students. But, it is now students do not use his intelligence to something more educational.

If they have DEMO
Seemed most true!
The most vocal ..!
Most anarchist ...
Most needed ...

Nahh,, is not this just be humble student?

And again, the demo was annoying people / person. Why? Is not that demonstrators took to the streets and perform an action on the road. This will make the streets to a standstill. They are the people who will do the activities to be disrupted due to the demo.

If their activities disrupted the schedule of their design on it will fail to be implemented. Then if you have this, who should be at blame?

Demonstration aims to help people, it says they are doing a demo. But if the person doing the demo will actually help the community? I believe the answer is no. Why? As mentioned previously, held a demonstration would cause anarchy. It will not help the community in solving the problem, but it will add to problems for the community. In addition to demonstrating that they are not necessarily those goals will be achieved. Most of those who did demo the result is failure. When they do a demo to lower food prices, the government is just keep raising the price of basic foods. Only a few of them do a demo that managed to reach their goals.

So my conclusion, I press it is important that the protesters can be money. Although not understand what they are talking about. Demo also raises an anarchist and disrupt society.

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